“This is the time of year people are enjoying their outdoor spaces the most, so it’s necessary these areas are in tip-top shape,” says Harold Enger, Certified Turfgrass Professional and Certified Ornamental Landscape Professional. “Keeping lawns healthy now will also make preparation for the cooler weather much easier when the time comes.” Enger recommends these tips to keep lawns and trees looking their best from the beginning of the summer to the end:
1. Watch your water. When Mother Nature doesn’t supply enough rainfall, supplemental watering is key to maintaining a healthy lawn. Enger says to remember that too much water can be wasteful and even detrimental to the lawn’s lifespan, and too little water can lead to turf that’s more susceptible to disease, insect and weed infestations. A well-maintained lawn needs one inch of water per week to stay green and growing. Instead of setting your automatic sprinkler system, set the system to run only every three to four days for a longer period of time.2. Address pests. One single insect can lay thousands of eggs, ensuring a continual attack on your lawn and landscape. But, if you know where to look for these pests, their impact can be minimal. For your landscape plants, Enger says to start by looking at the leaves or needles and keep an eye out for chew marks, feeding trails or curled leaves. For your lawn, most surface-feeding insects will hide in the thatch layer during the day so you need to look for signs of their activity versus the actual insects. Enger says lawn care service professionals are trained to inspect and treat lawns for insect damage.
3. Mow your lawn. Mowing is a simple process but it has more impact on the health and growth of a lawn than any other regular maintenance activity. Start by determining what type of grass you have. It’s best to mow early in the morning after the dew has dried or in the evening when temperatures have dropped instead of in the heat of the day when the most moisture can be lost. Because grass is 80-90% water, clippings and nutrients can be recycled back into the lawn, providing beneficial organic material for future growth.4. Fight back against weeds. Different types of weeds germinate in the spring, summer and fall so the battle to banish them from your lawn is an ongoing. Enger says the weeds that germinate in the summer are generally the summer annual weeds, which grow rapidly, produce a flower, go to seed and then die. Many of these summer annuals can easily be controlled by pulling them out by hand because they usually cannot re-grow.
If you are looking for help with your lawn, contact your Shorewest Sales Associate today! They can recommend industry experts to help keep your lawn looking healthy and beautiful. #ShorewestRealtors
Tags: ask an agent, Backyard, DIY, home improvement, Lawn, shorewest, Shorewest Realtors, Taking Care, tips and advice, Yard
Categories: DIY, Home Improvement, Homeowner, How to, Real Estate Tips, Shorewest Tips
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